Monday, 25 May 2015

Review: Space girl bathbomb

I've already reviewed this bathbomb before, but since it's entering the "competition" I will review it again.

In case you've forgotten what it looks like, here it is.

Look: It looks pretty cool. I really like the galaxy and planets and such, so it's definitely something that fits me. The red bit on the bathbomb look like some kind of glitters, which is awesome.
Grade: 8

Smell: It smells sweet, and sort of mysterious I guess? I feel like it energizes me; it wakes me up a little, in a good way of course.
Grade: 7.5

Effect: I think most people would expect the water to turn some kind of blueish, but it actually turns red. It sort of looks like blood, but I really like that. It's really awesome actually.
Grade: 7

Afterwards: My skin smells nice, though it's not really a very dominating smell, which is a shame really. I feel actually energized. Not that the bath wasn't relaxing, but I'd say this is a bathbomb for a morning bath rather than an evening bath.

Total grade (average): 7.5

I really like this one, and I can't wait to test the others because I've never used those before.

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