Wednesday, 13 May 2015

They see me rollin'

Today I had another day off (well.. I had one class but I couldn't be bothered to go). The weather was fairly nice today, which was good because I had to go out and go to the pharmacy to get some meds for my mom. While I was on my bike to the pharmacy I suddenly got a feeling of relaxation come over me.
Does anyone else have that? Like, you walk or cycle somewhere and the weather is nice and you just suddenly feel very calm and at peace. That's how I felt. I don't really like riding my bike (even though I'm Dutch. The irony..) so I came up with the idea to get my roller skates out of the closet and use those to get around. And that's what I did.

When I came home I sat down for a moment (and almost lost my motivation to go out) before going out on my roller skates. I had taken my camera with me because you'll never know what you'll come across.
I skated through the park and by the riverside, and sat down there. I don't know why but water has always calmed me. I could sit by the riverside for hours. Whenever me and my family went on a holiday to France I would go to creeks (if there were any nearby the camping area) and just sit there. Or just sit on a large rock that was in the creek, with my feet in the water. I would just sit there and listen to the water. I think the longest I've been doing that was about two hours in row (my parents thought I had walked away and got lost).

While I sat at the riverside I just realised that I should go out more often. I'm always inside my house, in my room, on my laptop. But whenever I go outside and do these things I just feel so much better afterwards. I've always been someone who can appreciate the little things in life. For example: last summer I had a summer job as a pool supervisor / gatekeeper at a camping area. While I was at the gate I saw a squirrel quickly running past, and it basically made my day.

I hope I will be going out more, because I've said that many times and never did it. But now I just feel like maybe I can keep up to that late years resolution. Maybe..

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